Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Trondheim, Norway 2006

Greenhouse gas credits trade versus biomass trade – weighing the benefits

 Trondheim, Norway
5-6 April, 2006

Jointly organised by

Task 38 – Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems Task 40 – Sustainable International bioenergy Trade: Securing Supply and Demand


Scope and objectives of the conference

The reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an urgent international target. The sustainable use of biomass for energy is one important option that might significantly contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions by substituting the use of fossil energy. Trade in biomass fuels, electricity, renewable certificates and CO2 credits are presented as options for business and policy makers as they try to meet increasing energy demands and at the same time addressing national and international commitments to reduce  GHG emissions and increase renewable energy sources.

Bio-energy trade has expanded rapidly in recent years with forestry and agricultural residues, ’’green power’’, bio-ethanol and vegetal oils being traded at national, regional and global energy markets. Advantages of such a market are potentially plentiful. For example, CO2-neutral biomass resources  are utilised efficiently on a large scale; new markets may generate substantial income sources for relatively  oor world regions; and energy markets world-wide may become more stable due to a larger number of energy suppliers  compared to the current situation. Most important may be the effect that such a market may indeed lead to development and sustainable use of the vast bio-energy production potential in many world regions.

Despite the rapidly developing international bio-energy trade (both liquid and solid fuels) physical trade of biomass (or energy carriers derived from biomass such as liquid fuels) is not necessarily the optimal  solution from both a cost and a GHG mitigation perspective. International logistics lead to higher costs and  energy use compared to local or regional utilisation of resources. Although with optimised chain design (e.g. involving large scale transport, transport of high energy density commodities) such additional costs and energy uses remain modest, local use as such and subsequently trading electricity, CO2 credits or Renewable Certificates provide important alternatives. It will depend on various essential criteria what option suits best for each combination of (potential) exporting and importing country.

The main objective to be addressed and discussed in this joint workshop are the advantages of the various trading  possibilities, the necessary accounting rules and criteria to select the most efficient mechanisms under varying  circumstances. It will provide a forum for government, business and academic representatives to exchange and gain information on the status of the various biomass- carbon trading and certificate trading markets.


Workshop Program

Wednesday, 5 April 2006
Rica Nidelven Hotel, Trondheim, Norway

Session 1: International biomass trade and greenhouse gas accounting (chair: Bernhard Schamadinger)

Task 40 Norwegian country report, State of the art at the Norwegian bioenergy scene
Torjus Bolkesjø, The Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway
Presentation Slides

GHG balances of Canadian biomass exports (combined T40/T38 work)
Douglas Bradley, Climate Change Solutions, Canada
Presentation Slides

Eletrabel’s implementation strategy for large scale biomass imports
Yves Ryckmans, Electrabel, Belgium
Presentation Slides

Next steps for co-firing biomass including certification
Martin Junginger, Copernicus Institute, on behalf of Peter-Paul Schouwenberg, Essent Energy Trading, The Netherlands
Presentation Slides

Trading biomass or GHG emission credits?
Jobien Laurijssen, Copernicus Institute-UU; The Netherlands
Presentation Slides

CO2 emissions from international biomass transport
Lisa Näslund, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Presentation Slides

GHG reporting and accounting rules for wood products including biomass for energy
Kim Pingoud, VTT, Finland
Presentation Slides

Session 2: Biomass use under emission trading and certificate trading schemes (chair: André Faaij)

The EU ETS in the Finnish context: Does the ETS support local bioenergy implementation?
Pirkko Vesterinen, VTT, Finland
Presentation Slides

Overview on CDM bioenergy projects
Joergen Fenhann, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark
Presentation Slides

Implementing the Clean Development Mechanism – A project developer’s perspective
Bruce Talbot, Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Hoersholm, Denmark
Presentation Slides

Future developments of CDM / JI – policy, programmes, approaches
Axel Michaelowa, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, Germany
Presentation Slides

CO2 trade vs. biomass trade from the view of the local sustainable development of theexporting / host country
Bernhard Schlamadinger, Joanneum Research, Austria
Presentation Slides

Thursday, 6 April 2006
Rica Nidelven Hotel, Trondheim, Norway

Session 2: Continuation (chair: Oyvind Leisfad)

Norwegian experiences in marketing and trading of renewable energy and green certificates
John Ravlo, Marketing Directo Enviro Energi, Norway
Presentation Slides

Dry bulk shipping, an essential in developing efficient biofuel supply chains
Emil Brandrud, R.S. Platou Shipbrokers AS, Norway
Presentation Slides 

More Information about IEA Bioenergy Task 40: Sustainable
International Bioenergy Trade
can be found at:

List of Participants

List of Participants (PDF)