Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Sustainability of Bioenergy

Copenhagen Statement

Forests, bioenergy and climate change mitigation

This statement is an outcome of the workshop on “Forests, bioenergy and climate change mitigation”, held May 19-20, 2014 in Copenhagen, which had the following objectives:

  • to facilitate dialogue between scientists on the topic of climate effects of forest -based bioenergy,  in order to advance scientific understanding of the topic and to clarify divergent views on the role of forest-based bioenergy in climate change mitigation, and
  • to identify knowledge gaps and priorities for future research and data collection, in order to improve scientific understanding and support policy development for forest-based bioenergy.

Timing Statement

On The Timing Of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Benefits Of Forest-Based Bioenergy

This statement was prepared by Professor Annette Cowie, University of New England, Australia; Associate Professor Göran Berndes, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; Professor Tat Smith, University of Toronto, Canada, with input from other members of Tasks 38, 40 and 43. The statement addresses a much debated issue – the timing of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration when biomass from existing managed forests is used for energy to displace fossil fuels. The purpose of the
statement, which is aimed at policy advisors and policy makers, is to explain the essence of this debate and to propose a perspective that considers the broader context of forest management and the role of bioenergy in climate change mitigation.

Dubrovnik Statement


Task 29, Task 38 and Task 40 Expert Consultation on the sustainability of bioenergy held in Dubrovnik, 25 – 26 October, 2007, and Task 38 workshop on direct and indirect land use change held in Helsinki 30 March-1 April 2009

Prepared by Annette Cowie, Neil Bird and Susanne Woess-Gallasch