Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Helsinki, Finland 2014

Forest-based Bioenergy

Congress Paasitorni, Helsinki, Finland, December 9, 2014


Understanding climate change effects of forest-based bioenergy.



Introduction to Task 38 – Annette Cowie

Trade-offs between bioenergy production and other services –
Brent Matthies & Lauri Valsta

Optimal forest rotation with increasing carbon prices –
Tommi Ekholm

The economics of timber and bioenergy production and carbon storage in Scots pine stands –
Sampo Pihlainen

Forests, land use and climate change: Deriving optimal carbon policies for biomass utilization –
Aapo Rautiainen

Forest harvest residue bioenergy – key information needs related to climate impacts –
Jari Liski

Time-dependent climate impact of bioenergy from logging residues –
Johan Stendahl

Optimal steady states for forests stands –
Risto Sievänen

Sequester or substitute – Consequences of increased production of wood based energy on the carbon balance in Finland –
Olli Salminen

Alternative scenarios for Finnish forests –
Jari Hynynen

Ensuring carbon balances in the modelling of forest and bioenergy systems –
Miguel Brandão



IEA Bioenergy Task 38: Annette Cowie (NSW Department of Primary Industries), Miguel Brandão (IEA Bioenergy Task 38), Matti Parikka (Swedish Energy Agency), Kristen Johnson (Bioenergy Technologies Office),  Hermann Achenbach (Thünen Institute of Wood Research)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland: Kim Pingoud, Kati Koponen, Tommi Ekholm, Tomi Lindroos, Tuomas Helin
SYKE (Finnish Environment Institute): Sampo Soimakallio, Jari Liski, Anna Repo, Johanna Pohjola
Metla (The Finnish Forest Research Institute): Jari Hynynen, Olli Salminen, Jussi Uusivuori, Jani Laturi, Jussi Lintunen, Risto Sievänen, Aapo Rautiainen
University of Helsinki: Lauri Valsta, Brent Matthies, Sampo Pihlainen
Chalmers University of Technology:

SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences):

Olivia Cintas

Johan Stendahl