Växjö, Sweden 2017
Forest Modelling Workshop
10 January 2017, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden
Hosted by: Linnaeus University
To investigate the causes for differences in results and conclusions on the climate impacts of forest industry, including forest-based bioenergy, from two studies of apparently similar forest systems.
Major focus: Discsussion of the following papers:
Gustavsson, L., Haus, S., Lundblad, M., Lundström, A., Ortiz, C.A., Sathre, R., Le Truong, N. and Wikberg, P.E., 2017. Climate change effects of forestry and substitution of carbon-intensive materials and fossil fuels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67, pp.612-624.
Soimakallio, S., Saikku, L., Valsta, L. and Pingoud, K., 2016. Climate Change Mitigation Challenge for Wood Utilization – The Case of Finland. Environmental science & technology, 50(10), pp.5127-5134.
Workshop Program
- Short introduction including objectives of workshop and presentation of participants
- Presentation of the Finnish study (Soimakallio et al., 20016)
- Sampo Soimakallio, with input from Tuomo Kalliokoski
- Presentation of the Swedish study (Gustavsson et al., 2016)
- Leif Gustavsson (general overview and conclusions)
- Per-Erik Wikberg (forest modelling)
With input from:
- Mattias Lundblad (forest management)
- Ambrose Dodoo (building modelling)
- Truong Nguyen (energy modelling)
- General discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches of the two studies, and identification of aspects for which further information is required, to gain a more complete understanding of the results of each study.
- Conclusion: Summary of the points of difference identified, and ideas for future work.
Johan Bergh |
Mattias Lundblad |
Miguel Brandão |
Truong Nguyen |
Annette Cowie |
Göran Örlander |
Ambrose Dodoo |
Sampo Soimakallio |
Leif Gustavsson |
Johan Stendahl |
Tuomo Kalliokoski |
Per-Erik Wikberg |
Kati Koponen |