Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Växjö, Sweden 2017

Forest Modelling Workshop

10 January 2017, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden

Hosted by: Linnaeus University


To investigate the causes for differences in results and conclusions on the climate impacts of forest industry, including forest-based bioenergy, from two studies of apparently similar forest systems.

Major focus: Discsussion of the following papers:
Gustavsson, L., Haus, S., Lundblad, M., Lundström, A., Ortiz, C.A., Sathre, R., Le Truong, N. and Wikberg, P.E., 2017. Climate change effects of forestry and substitution of carbon-intensive materials and fossil fuels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews67, pp.612-624.

Soimakallio, S., Saikku, L., Valsta, L. and Pingoud, K., 2016. Climate Change Mitigation Challenge for Wood Utilization – The Case of Finland. Environmental science & technology50(10), pp.5127-5134.


Workshop Program

  • Short introduction including objectives of workshop and presentation of participants
  • Presentation of the Finnish study (Soimakallio et al., 20016)
    • Sampo Soimakallio, with input from Tuomo Kalliokoski
  • Presentation of the Swedish study (Gustavsson et al., 2016)
    • Leif Gustavsson (general overview and conclusions)
    • Per-Erik Wikberg (forest modelling)

With input from:

  • Mattias Lundblad (forest management)
  • Ambrose Dodoo (building modelling)
  • Truong Nguyen (energy modelling)
  • General discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches of the two studies, and identification of aspects for which further information is required, to gain a more complete understanding of the results of each study.
  • Conclusion: Summary of the points of difference identified, and ideas for future work.



Johan Bergh Mattias Lundblad
Miguel Brandão Truong Nguyen
Annette Cowie Göran Örlander
Ambrose Dodoo Sampo Soimakallio
Leif Gustavsson Johan Stendahl
Tuomo Kalliokoski Per-Erik Wikberg
Kati Koponen