Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Sydney, Australia 2004

   Bioenergy Australia Meeting

Sydney, Australia, 26 March, 2004

Jointly organized by


Workshop Program

26 March 2004
St. George Rowing Club

Session 1: Bioenergy Australia Meeting – Agenda

Report on the Activities of Bioenergy Australia

Administration of Bioenergy Australia

Bioenergy Australia 2003 Conference Wrap-up and Discussion on 2004 Conference

Recent Developments from the Government (MRET, CAP …) (Denis Smedley – Australian Greenhouse Office)

IEA Bioenergy Update

  • Task 30 Short Rotation Crops for Bioenergy
    Don McGuire
  • Task 31 Conventional Forestry Systems for Sustainable Production of Bioenergy
    John Raison
  • Task 32 Biomass Combustion and Cofriring
    Peter Coombes
  • Task 36 Energy from Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems
    Mark Glover
  • Task 38 Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems
    Annette Cowie

IEA Bioenergy – Discussion on Participation 2004-2006

Clean Energy Future Study and Outcome for Bioenergy
(Mark Diesendorf, Sustainability Centre)
Presentation Slides

Session 2: IEA Bioenergy Task 38 Workshop

Highlights of IEA Bioenergy Task38 Activities
(Susanne Woess-Gallasch and Bernhard Schlamadinger, Joanneum Research, Austria)
Presentation Slides

Developing Bioenergy Potentials and the Possible Role for International Trade
(Andre Faaij, Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
Presentation Slides

Current and Future Perspectives on the Energy Sector in Ireland
(Carly Green, University College Dublin, Ireland)
Presentation Slides

Latest on Bioenergy in the EU Emissions Trading System and in the CDM
(Bernhard Schlamadinger, Joanneum Research, Austria)
Presentation Slides

Canadian Forest Industry Biomass Strategy and Potential in Biofuels from Fast Pyrolysis
(Doug Bradley, Canada)
Presentation Slides

Afforestation and Climate Change: Government of Canada´s Work Activities
(Terry Hatton, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources, Canada)
Presentation Slides