Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Helsinki, Finland 2009

Land Use Changes due to Bioenergy  Quantifying and Managing Climate Change and Other Environmental Impacts

Helsinki, Finland, March 30th – April 1st, 2009

Jointly organised by

Task 38 – Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems


Scope and objectives of the workshop

The IEA Bioenergy Task38 conference on Land Use Changes due to Bioenergy – Quantifying and Managing Climate Change and other Environmental Impacts consists of two days of presentation and discussion on the following themes:

  • Direct Land Use Change (DLUC) – magnitude and methodologies for assessment;
  • Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) – drivers of ILUC and mechanisms to manage ILUC; magnitude and methodologies for assessment

Goals of the workshop are:

  • Share knowledge and increase understanding of the impacts on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other environmental services of direct and indirect land use change resulting from expansion of bioenergy
  • Draft a summary document on recommendations for incorporating direct and indirect land-use change in policy for bioenergy development and to establish a team to finalize the document (for submission to the IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee Meeting).
  • Prepare for a potential side event at COP-15 (Copenhagen) or session at another conference on bioenergy.

Final workshop summary (PDF-file 45kB)



Session 1: Introduction, background, methodological issues

Global perspectives on bioenergy. – Adam Brown, IEA Bioenergy

The significance of the time horizon in determining the mitigation benefit of biomass and bioenergy. – Ilkka Savolainen, Kim Pingoud, Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT, Finland

TBiomass, bio-energy and terrestrial ecosystems: a global perspective. –  Helmut Haberl, Klagenfurt University, Austria

Challenges in assessing global and local environmental impacts in the LCA context. –  Jyri Seppälä, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finland

LCA for analysing environmental impacts of land use for various industrial branches and product groups. – Tuomas Mattila, Jyri Seppälä, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), and Ilmo Mäenpää Thule Institute, Finland

Dealing with direct and indirect land use change in biofuels sustainability standards. – Charlotte Opal, Roundtable and Sustainable Biofuels, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Direct and indirect LUC issues in European sustainability initiatives – Florence Van Stappen, Agricultural Research Centre, Belgium

Session 2: Direct land use change

Sustainability Quick Check for Biofuels: A Web-based tool for streamlined biofuels LCA. – Jürgen Reinhard, Mireille Faist, Rainer Zah, EMPA, Switzerland

Direct effects of bioenergy systems on soil carbon: implications for climate change benefits of bioenergy. – Annette Cowie, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Australia

Ethanol production under endogenous crop prices: Theoretical analysis with an empirical application to barley. – Ollikainen, M., Rinne, J., University of Helsinki, Finland, and Lankoski, J., OECD, France

How land-use change due to biofuel policy impacts on Europe´s biodiversity – Ben Delbaere, ECNC, the Netherlands

Direct Land Use Change also affects surface albedo – should this be considered when estimating environmental benefits? – Neil Bird, Hannes Schwaiger, Joanneum Research, Austria

Greenhouse gas emissions from land use changes due to the adoption of the EU biofuel objectives in Spain. – Y. Lechón, H. Cabal, M. Santamaria, N. Caldés, R. Sáez, CIEMAT, Spain

Update on U.S. EPA Greenhouse Gas LCA for Federal Renewable Fuel Standard. – Vincent Camobreco, U.S. EPA, Office of Transportation & Air Quality/Transportation & Climate Division, USA

Session 3: Indirect land use change

Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions from indirect land-use change: The iLUC factor approach. – Uwe Fritsche, Oekoinstitute, Germany

Biofuels and land use change in multiple policy setting: Integrated modelling approach. – Petr Havlik, Erwin Schmid, Uwe A. Schneider, Michael Obersteiner, IIASA, Austria

Direct and indirect LUC of EU 10% biofuel target – input to the Gallagher Review – Bart Dehue, Ecofys, Netherlands

Indirect land use change in the EU legislation – where we are and what we need to know – Ariane de Dominicis, EC, DG Environment

Proximate causes and underlying driving forces on land-use change among small-scale farmers – illustrations from biomass expanding areas in the Loess Plateau, China. – Madelene Ostwald, Victoria Wibeck, Linköping University, and Petter Stridbeck, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Brazilian sugarcane expansion 1996 – 2006: land-use change and other consequences. – Göran Berndes, Chalmers University, Sweden, Gerd Sparovek, Alberto Barretto, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil, and Sergio Martins and Rodrigo Maule, Entropix Engineering, Brazil

Stabilizing the Agricultural Frontier: Leveraging REDD with Biofuels for Sustainable Development. – Timothy J. Killeen, Goetz Schroth, Will Turner, Celia A. Harvey, Marc K. Steininger, Christine Dragisic, Russell A. Mittermeier, Conservation International, USA

Land use changes in tropical peatlands. – Harri Vasander, University of Helsinki, Finland

Excursion – April 1st 2008

A study tour took participants to the NESTE oil Porvoo biorefinery (NExBTL biodiesel process).
The following presentation was given by Ilmari Lastikka, NESTE: NESTE_Biodiesel_2009


List of Participants

List of Participants (PDF)

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