Dublin, Ireland 2005
Greenhouse Gas Aspects of Biomass Cascading –
Reuse, Recycling and Energy Generation
Dublin, Ireland, 25 April, 2005
Jointly organised by

Background information
Scope and objectives of the conference
The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is an urgent international target. The sustainable use of biomass for wooden products and energy is one important option that might significantly contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by substituting the use of non-renweable materials and fossil energy. Given that the amount of sustainably available biomass is limited, the most efficient use of biomass is an important issue. Biomass offers a wide range of possibilities to reuse, recycle and to generate energy. The main objective to be addressed and discussed in this joint workshop was the optimal combination of the different aspects of carbon sequestration and biomass cascading to contribute to greenhouse gas reduction by substituting conventional materials and fossil energy. It provided a forum for government, policy and academic representatives to exchange information on current knowledge regarding optimal use of biomass for greenhouse gas mitigation.
Workshop Program
Monday, 25 April 2005
Session 1: Introduction
Wood energy in Ireland – contribution to GHG reduction.
Joe O’Carroll, Council for Forest Research and Development, Ireland.
Presentation Slides
Carbon sinks and forest products in the Kyoto Process – current and future developments.
Eugene Hendrick, Council for Forest Research and Development, Ireland.
Presentation Slides
Optimizing the GHG benefits of bioenergy and carbon sequestration systems.
Bernhard Schlamadinger, Joanneum Research, Austria, and Kimberly Robertson, Force Consulting, New Zealand.
Presentation Slides
Session 2: Biomass Cascading
Cost and CO2-emission reduction of biomass cascading – Methodological aspects and case study of SRF poplar.
Veronika Dornburg, Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
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Energy and carbon dioxide balances of various cascade chains for recovered wood.
Roger Sathre and Leif Gustavsson, MID Sweden University, Sweden, and Kim Pingoud, Finnish Forest Research Insitute, Finland
Presentation Slides
Global carbon stocks in harvested wood products: a review of current understanding and estimates.
Robert Matthews, Forestry Commission, UK, and Kim Pingoud, Finnish Forest Research Insitute, Finland.
Presentation Slides
Session 3: Energy Generation
Energy generation from recovered wood for greenhouse gas reduction.
Gerfried Jungmeier, Joanneum Research, Austria.
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Energetic utilization of wood in Hungary.
Varga M., Németh G., Károly A., Alpár T. University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary
Presentation Slides
Potential for energy production and greenhouse gas mitigation from biomass waste streams in Ireland.
Carly Green, University College Dublin, Ireland.
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Session 4: Reuse and Recycling
Greenhouse impacts of utilising wood processing residues for composite products or bioenergy: implications for renewable energy incentive schemes.
Annette Cowie and David Gardner, NSW Department of Primary Industries.
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Wood recycling mitigates climate change.
Chris Van Riet, European Panel Federation, Brussels.
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Recovered wood from residential and office building – assessment of GHG emissions for reuse, recycling, and energy generation.
Adolf Merl, Resource Management Agency, Austria.
Presentation Slides
List of Participants
List of Participants (PDF)