Argonne, Chicago, USA 2012
How to present the timing of emissions from bioenergy in LCA and GHG accounting
Expert Working Meeting at
Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, April 12th – 13th 2012
Organized by

Task 38 – Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems
Hosted by: Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago
Objectives and results of the working meeting
On April 12th & 13th, 2012 Task 38 hosted this expert meeting on How to present the timing of emissions from bioenergy in LCA and GHG accounting at the Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago. Approximately 20 experts, mostly form the U.S., gave short presentations on various aspects of the topic and openly discussed views, opinions and presented results.
In the second phase of the meeting the participants broke into two groups to discuss in more detail sub-themes related to timing of emissions from bioenergy in LCA and GHG accounting. These sub-themes were:
- metrics – what should we be estimating and how does this interface with socioeconomic metrics?
- reference system – what should bioenergy be compared with?
No conclusive positions were reached, and to facilitate progress the group has a goal to develop discussion papers on these subjects and to meet again in association with the IEA Bioenergy Conference in Vienna.
Working meeting programme
Background: how timing is being incorporated into standards
Annette Cowie, IEA Bioenergy Task 38 Management, National Centre for Rural Greenhouse Gas Research, Australia
Choosing a criterion for biofuels and fuel policy
Michael O´Hare, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Assessing the forest based bioenergy GHG balance at different geographical and temporal scales
Hannes Boettcher, IIASA, Austria
The importance of tracking combined land carbon change effects of increased wood and agricultural biomass energy demand
Ken Skog and Eric White, USDA Forests Products Laboratory, USA
Goal definition, spatial and temporal system boundaries. How spatial scale is an integral part of temporal scales in LCA of bioenergy systems
Keith Kline, ORNL, USA
A short overview of the impact of land use change and/or management on the timing of emissions
Sarah C. Davis, University of Illinois, USA
Emissions from bioenergy, juggling and the usefulness of emission intensities
David Neil Bird, IEA Bioenergy Task 38 Management, Joanneum Research, Austria
The impact of uncertainty methodologies on dealing with time issues in LCA and GHG accounting
Gregg Marland, Appalachian State University, USA
Dynamic LCA approach applied to specific bioenergy case studies with cumulative radiative forcing and instantaneous temperature indicators
Annie Levasseur, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
GWPs of biogenic CO2 from bioenergy: contributions from timing of CO2 fluxes and albedo.
Applications to selected bioenergy systems (heat, biofuels, forest residues and delayed emissions)
Francesco Cherubini, Norwegian University of Technology and Science, Norway
GWP based indicators to describe the climate impacts of the wood product lifecycle
Kim Pingoud, VTT, Finland
Tuning the IPCC GWPs: Time Correction Factors & Time Adjusted Warming Potentials
Alissa Kendall, University of California Davis, USA
Some considerations LUC, iLUC, LUCCMe, and others
Helena Chum,National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA
Policy makers view of the timing of emissions from bioenergy
Matti Parrika, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden
List of Participants
List of Participants (PDF)