Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Angers, France 2017

Understanding Climate Change Effects of Forest biomass and Bioenergy Systems

 7th November 2017, Angers, France.

Co-hosted by: IEA Bioenergy Task 38 and ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency

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The workshop covered two themes:

  1. Climate change effects of the forest industry, including bioenergy ;  and
  2. Life cycle assessment (LCA) methods for bioenergy – including reference land use, Consequential LCA vs Attributional LCA, climate metrics,  LCA tools.


Workshop Program

Location: ADEME 20 Avenue du Grésillé, 49000 Angers
Room: Campanule /Colchique

Welcome (Emilie Machefaux, ADEME)

Introduction to the workshop (Annette Cowie, Task 38)

Evaluation of mitigation effect from climate-change adapted forests (Denis Loustau)

Environmental balance of forest systems concerning climate change and other stakes:
towards an optimization of forestry practices and territorial policies (Mathieu Fortin,
Estelle Vial)

Climate effects of different forest management regimes and wood substitution
systems (Leif Gustavsson)

Tools for GHG assessment of biofuels (Patrick Lamers)

Assessing the eco-efficiency of sugarcane production using a customised LCA tool, and
the implication for GHG abatement of bioenergy (Marguerite Renouf)

Climate change effects of biochar systems (Aaron Simmons)

SOCLE project: Including Soil Organic Carbon changes in LCA to improve
environmental assessments (Anthony Benoist, Cécile Bessou)

Has the US bioenergy policy resulted in iLUC? (Miguel Brandão)

Quantis Guide on GHG accounting for land use change (Edith Martin)

Land use and Land Use Change in LCA (Miguel Brandão)