{"id":5042,"date":"2017-04-15T02:57:52","date_gmt":"2017-04-15T02:57:52","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/?page_id=5042"},"modified":"2017-04-15T02:57:52","modified_gmt":"2017-04-15T02:57:52","slug":"zagreb-croatia-2000","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/zagreb-croatia-2000\/","title":{"rendered":"Zagreb, Croatia 2000"},"content":{"rendered":"

Bioenergy, Greenhouse Gases And Carbon Sequestration<\/strong><\/h1>\n

Task 25: Greenhouse Gas Balances of Bioenergy Systems<\/b><\/p>\n

22 – 26 May 2000 – Zagreb, Croatia<\/p>\n

Jointly organized by<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Energy Institute
\n“Hrvoje Pozar” Ltd.<\/b>
\nHR-10000 Zagreb
EKONERG holding<\/b>
\nUlica grada Vukovara 37
\nHR-10000 Zagreb, CROATIA<\/td>\n
\nElisabethstrasse 5
\nA-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0<\/p>\n




IEA Bioenergy is an international, collaborative research programme on Bioenergy. The primary goal of IEA Bioenergy Task 25 (“Greenhouse Gas Balances of Bioenergy Systems”) is to investigate all processes involved\u00a0 in the use of bioenergy systems, on a full fuel-cycle basis, with the aim of assessing overall greenhouse gas balances. Participating countries are Australia, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the\u00a0 USA.<\/p>\n

The Task 25 workshop in Zagreb, Croatia, is part of a series of workshops within Task 25 taking place on a regular basis.<\/p>\n

Scope Of The Workshop, Events<\/strong><\/h1>\n

Demonstration of and hands-on experience with computer tools for greenhouse\u00a0 gas balances of bioenergy and carbon sequestration systems<\/b><\/h3>\n

Carbon\/greenhouse gas models for bioenergy, forestry, wood products, land-use and land-use change have been, or are being, developed by participating countries. 4 models were presented in detail, with time allowed for participants to use the models. The following models were presented at the workshop.<\/p>\n


CO2FIX is a tool which quantifies the C stocks and fluxes in the forest (whole tree), soil organic matter compartment\u00a0 and the resulting wood products. It was originally designed for even aged monospecies stands in the Netherlands (Mohren and Klein Goldewijk 1990a), but has also been used for a wide variety of (mostly even aged) forest types from all over the world, including some selective logging systems (Nabuurs and Mohren 1993). The latter results have been used in the\u00a0 IPCC 1995 climate change assessment (Brown et al. 1996).<\/p>\n

Compared to the previous version of CO2FIX which was documented in Mohren and Klein Goldewijk (1990b), the present version<\/p>\n

  • is a user friendly windows-based version.<\/li>\n
  • is more precise in the allocation of harvested wood from thinnings and final fellings to wood product groups;<\/li>\n
  • has an option to choose for recycling;<\/li>\n
  • can directly sum the output of one forest type to larger areas;<\/li>\n
  • directly presents some of the output in a graph.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

    The current version is under further development in an EU funded project, “Carbon sequestration in afforestation and sustainable forest management: presentation of a general evaluation tool and generic case studies, CASFOR”.<\/p>\n


    GORCAM is an Excel spreadsheet model that has been developed to calculate the net fluxes of carbon to and from the atmosphere associated with land use, land-use change, bioenergy and forestry projects. The model considers:<\/p>\n

    • changes of carbon (C) stored in vegetation, plant litter and soil,<\/li>\n
    • reduction of C emissions because biofuels replace fossil fuels,<\/li>\n
    • C storage in wood products,<\/li>\n
    • reduction of C emissions because wood products replace energy-intensive materials like steel or concrete,<\/li>\n
    • recycling or burning of waste-wood,<\/li>\n
    • auxiliary fossil fuels used for production of biofuels and wood products.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

      The model makes use of approximately 200 input parameters. For each scenario a new set of input parameters can be\u00a0 defined. They describe the management regime (harvest cycle, growth rate etc.), the land use before the project, and the way in which the biomass is used for carbon mitigation. Various biomass growth functions are availabe (including Richards function, possibility of precommercial thinning, and selective logging). The soil and litter\u00a0 carbon uptake or release can either be prescribed with exogenous assumptions or a dynamic calculation scheme can be used.<\/p>\n

      The model can be used to assess the future carbon balance for scenarios involving:<\/p>\n

      • a forest stand,<\/li>\n
      • a forest plantation system (normal forests), and<\/li>\n
      • a forest with a given age-class distribution (to deal with natural disturbances).<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

        The model output is presented in diagrams with cumulative carbon sequestration in various carbon pools over time. The model also allows to view the individual carbon fluxes. In addition to the regular model\u00a0 output, another mode is available where future carbon fluxes are discounted to give a net present value.\u00a0 The higher the discount rate and the longer the time horizon, the more the results will differ from the basic output.<\/p>\n

        GORCAM is implemented in MS Excel 5.0, and makes use of Visual Basic Macro Programming. Each scenario can be saved as an Excel file, that still carries with it all the model features, including macros, diagrams and equations. GORCAM allows the performance of sensitivity analyses, whereby the impact on any model output of varying an input parameter can be assessed. In combination with Excel-compatible risk analysis tools such as Crystal Ball or @Risk, Monte Carlo Analyses can be carried out to determine the uncertainty of the model results. Probability distributions\u00a0 can be defined or chosen for all input parameters, and the model derives the probability distribution for any model output, for example, the carbon sequestration of a given project after 20 years.<\/p>\n


        The model ERGO has been developed for estimating energy and emissions budgets of bioenergy systems. ERGO was originally developed in the early 1990\u2019s with the primary aim of estimating energy and carbon budgets of bioenergy\u00a0 production from short rotation coppice tree systems. An important secondary objective was to provide a tool that could be used to compare different systems of bioenergy production directly, consistently and fairly. To achieve\u00a0 this ERGO needed to meet three important criteria, specifically the methods of energy and carbon budget estimation needed to be:<\/p>\n

        1. general: the model can be applied without restriction to the study of widely differing types of bioenergy\u00a0 production system, both annual and perennial, as well as woody and non-woody.<\/li>\n
        2. consistent: although the model is designed to be flexible, offering alternative methods of data input\u00a0 and calculation, at the same time the model imposes an essential discipline and structure on budget\u00a0 estimation, and ensures the use of common data sets where appropriate.<\/li>\n
        3. transparent: assumptions and calculations are described in detail in the input and output files\u00a0 of the model. Gaps in understanding or limitations in data can be readily identified.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

          ERGO\u2019s role in providing fundamental calculations of energy and emissions budgets of bioenergy systems may be viewed as underpinning GORCAM\u2019s policy-level projections of carbon sequestration potential and greenhouse gas balance impacts. Currently the estimation of greenhouse gas balances in ERGO is limited to the carbon balance,\u00a0 but extension of the model to represent other gases is straightforward.<\/p>\n


          GEMIS (Global Emission Model for Integrated Systems) is a computerized life-cycle analysis model, LCA database,\u00a0 and cost-emission analysis system. It offers environmental and cost data for energy, material, and transport systems,\u00a0 including their life-cycles. The environmental data cover air emissions, greenhouse gases, liquid effluents, solid\u00a0 wastes, and land-use. The cost data concern investment, fixed annual, and variable cost, as well as externality\u00a0 factors for air emissions, and GHG. Further data are stored for “meta” information: comments and description,\u00a0 references, data quality indicators, location and statistical group.<\/p>\n

          GEMIS determines full life-cycle impacts of energy, transport, and material technologies. In addition to the totals, GEMIS also gives the individual contributions of all processes to a calculated result (breakdown ), and can determine results for selected system boundaries (e.g. a special location, in- or exclusion of material acquisition, crediting).<\/p>\n

          GEMIS evaluates deviations from multiple objectives (trade-offs), e.g., costs vs. emissions, or emissions vs. land use. It further calculates CO2 and SO2 equivalents, and the total resource use (cumulative energy and material\u00a0 demands). Because of the modular approach of the database (“unit” processes), the sensitivity of any\u00a0 result can be determined quickly by copying original data, and adjusting key parameters – within seconds, GEMIS then calculates the new results which can be compared immediately with the original data.<\/p>\n

          The software is public domain (i.e., free of charge), and updated regularly. More information can be found on the\u00a0 GEMIS websites [http:\/\/www.oeko.de\/service\/gemis (in\u00a0 German), http:\/\/www.oeko.de\/service\/temis and http:\/\/www.oeko.de\/service\/em].<\/p>\n


          A full-day study tour was undertaken to visit wood industry ITC in Varadin. The company has an advanced\u00a0 system of wood waste use, which includes a modern heating plant and mill for briquettes. The company is also known because of children toys and furniture production. Two other interesting visits were made – Veliki Tabor and Trakoscan castles, which are close to the study\u00a0 tour route.<\/p>\n



          Workshop Program<\/strong><\/h1>\n

          MONDAY, 22 MAY 2000<\/b><\/p>\n

          Session 1: Presentation and demonstration of CO2FIX<\/b><\/h3>\n

          CO2 fix<\/i><\/b>
          \nAri Pussinen<\/i>
          \nEuropean Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland<\/p>\n


          Carbon Assessment Model for Forests (CAMFor)<\/i><\/b>
          \nChris Brack<\/i>
          \nAustralian National University, Canberra, Australia<\/p>\n

          TUESDAY, 23 MAY 2000<\/b><\/p>\n

          Session 1: Continued<\/b><\/h3>\n

          Carbon Assessment Model for Forests (CAMFor) continued<\/i><\/b>
          \nChris Brack<\/i><\/p>\n

          \nAri Pussinen<\/i>
          \nEuropean Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland<\/p>\n

          Session 2: Presentation and demonstration of GORCAM<\/b><\/h3>\n

          GORCAM (Graz Oak Ridge Carbon Accounting Model)<\/i><\/b>
          \nBernhard Schlamadinger<\/i>
          \nJoanneum Research, Graz, Austria<\/p>\n

          Modelling the effect of thinning and pest control on the carbon balance of a stand<\/i><\/b>
          \nDoug Bradley<\/i>
          \nDomtar Inc, Ottawa, Canada<\/p>\n

          WEDNESDAY, 24 MAY 2000<\/b><\/p>\n


          THURSDAY, 25 MAY 2000<\/b><\/p>\n

          Session 3: Presentation and demonstration of ERGO<\/b><\/h3>\n

          \nRobert Matthews<\/i>
          \nForest Research (Forestry Commission Research Agency) Farnham, United Kingdom<\/p>\n

          Session 4: Presentation and demonstration of GEMIS and the database of bioenergy systems in Austria<\/b><\/h3>\n

          GEMIS and the database of bioenergy systems in Austria<\/i><\/b>
          \nGerfried Jungmeier<\/i>
          \nJoanneum Research, Graz, Austria<\/p>\n

          FRIDAY, 26 MAY 2000<\/b><\/p>\n

          Session 4: Continued<\/b><\/h3>\n

          GEMIS and the database of bioenergy systems in Austria continued<\/i><\/b>
          \nGerfried Jungmeier<\/i><\/p>\n

          Progress with FLAMES and CASC: a market oriented approach\u00a0 to carbon cycle management through sequestration and biofuel<\/i><\/b>
          \nPeter Read<\/i>
          \nMassey University, New Zealand<\/p>\n

          IEA Bioenergy Task 25 Business Session<\/b><\/h3>\n

          IEA Bioenergy Task 25 – Administrative Matters<\/i><\/b>
          \n1. Task participation; Task continuation beyond 2000
          \n2. Task 25 website
          \n3. Subprojects<\/i><\/p>\n

          • IUFRO<\/li>\n
          • Baselines paper<\/li>\n
          • FAQ<\/li>\n
          • Overview of National Research Programmes<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

            4. Posters and transparencies
            \n5. IPCC issues
            \n6. Possible proceedings of modelling workshop
            \n7. Woody Biomass as an Energy Source Conference (25 – 28 Sept 2000, Joensuu, Finland)
            \n8. Miscellaneous items<\/i><\/p>\n

            • Exchange of Scientists<\/li>\n
            • Sevilla<\/li>\n
            • ExCo Presentation<\/li>\n
            • Industrial involvement<\/li>\n
            • Other needs of participating countries<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


              List of Participants<\/strong><\/h1>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
              BRADLEY, Doug<\/td>\nDomtar Inc.<\/td>\n700-1600 Scott Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4N7, CANADA<\/td>\n+1 613 725 5 6859<\/td>\n+1 613 725 6820<\/td>\ndoug.bradley@domtar.com<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              BRACK, Cristopher<\/td>\nDept. of Forestry, Australian National University<\/td>\nCanberra, ACT 0200, AUSTRALIA<\/td>\n+61 26249 3535<\/td>\n+61 26249 0746<\/td>\ncris.brack@anu.edu.au<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              CANELLA, Lorenza<\/td>\nJoanneum Research<\/td>\nElisabethstrasse 5, 8010-Graz, AUSTRIA<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1341<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1320<\/td>\nlorenza.canella@joanneum.at<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              DOMAC, Julije<\/td>\nEnergy Institute “Hrovje Pozar”<\/td>\nUlica Grada Vukovara 37, 10000 Zagreb, CROATIA<\/td>\n+385 1 6322 848<\/td>\n+385 1 6118 401<\/td>\njdomac@eihp.hr<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              FIJAN-PARLOV, Snjezana<\/td>\nEKONERG<\/td>\nUlica grada Vukivara 37, HR-1000, Zagreb, CROATIA<\/td>\n+385 1 6322 908<\/td>\n<\/td>\nsfijan@ekonerg.hr<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              GARCIA QUIJANO, Juan F.<\/td>\nLaboratory of Forest, Nature and Landscape<\/td>\nVital Decosterstraat 102, 3000 Leuven, BELGIUM<\/td>\n+32 1 6329 770<\/td>\n+32 16 329760<\/td>\njuan.garcia@agr.kuleuven.ac.be<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              J\u00c4KEL, Ulrich<\/td>\nJoanneum Research<\/td>\nElisabethstrasse 5, 8010-Graz, AUSTRIA<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1423<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1320<\/td>\nulrich.jaekel@joanneum.at<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              JELAVIC, Vladimir<\/td>\nEKONERG<\/td>\nUlica grada Vukivara 37, HR-1000, Zagreb, CROATIA<\/td>\n+385 1 6115 189<\/td>\n+385 1530 604<\/td>\nvjelavic@open.hr<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              JUNGMEIER, Gerfried<\/td>\nJoanneum Research<\/td>\nElisabethstrasse 5, 8010-Graz, AUSTRIA<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1313<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1320<\/td>\ngerfried.jungmeier@joanneum.at<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              KARLSSON, Asa<\/td>\nEnvironmental and energy systems studies, Lund University<\/td>\nGerdagatan 13, SE-223 62 Lund, SWEDEN<\/td>\n+46 46 222 4833<\/td>\n+46 46 222 8644<\/td>\nasa.karlsson@miljo.lth.se<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              MATTHEWS, Robert<\/td>\nForestry Commission Research Agency<\/td>\nAlice Holt Lodge, Wrecclesham, Farnham Surrey, GU10 4LH,UNITED KINGDOM<\/td>\n+44 1420 526 235<\/td>\n+44 1420 23450<\/td>\nr.matthews@forestry.gov.uk<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              MESIC, Milan<\/td>\nUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture<\/td>\nDepartment of General Agronomy, Svetosimunska 25, Zagreb, CROATIA<\/td>\n+385 1 23 93 956<\/td>\n+385 1 23 93 814<\/td>\nmmesic@agr.hr<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              NIKOLAOU, Natassa<\/td>\nCenter for Renewable Energy Sources<\/td>\n19 Marathanas Ave, Pikermi, GREECE<\/td>\n+30 1603 9900<\/td>\n+30 1603 8006<\/td>\nnikolaou@cres.gr<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              PINGOUD Kim<\/td>\nVTT Energy<\/td>\nP.O.Box 1606, Espoo, 02044 VTT, FINLAND<\/td>\n+358 9 456 5074<\/td>\n+358 9 456 6538<\/td>\nkim.pingoud@vtt.fi<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              PUSSINEN, Ari<\/td>\nEuropean Forest Institute<\/td>\nTorikatu 34, FIN-80100 Joensuu, FINLAND<\/td>\n+358 13 252 0241<\/td>\n+358 13 124 393<\/td>\nari.pussinen@efi.fi<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              READ, Peter<\/td>\nMassey University<\/td>\nPrivate Bag 11222, Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND<\/td>\n+64 6355 9194<\/td>\n+64 6350 5660<\/td>\np.read@massey.ac.nz<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              ROBERTSON, Kimberly<\/td>\nJoanneum Research and Forest Research (NZ)<\/td>\nElisabethstrasse 5, 8010-Graz, AUSTRIA<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1330<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1320<\/td>\nkimberly.robertson@joanneum.at<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              ROBEK, Robert<\/td>\nSlovenian Forestry Institute<\/td>\nVenca Pot 2 1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA<\/td>\n+386 1 200 7800<\/td>\n+386 1 257 3589<\/td>\nrobert.robek@gozdis.si<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              SCHLAMADINGER, Bernhard<\/td>\nJOANNEUM RESEARCH<\/td>\nElisabethstrasse 5, 8010-Graz, AUSTRIA<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1340<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1320<\/td>\nbernhard.schlamadinger@ joanneum.at<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              WAUPOTITSCH, Michael<\/td>\nJOANNEUM RESEARCH<\/td>\nElisabethstrasse 5, 8010-Graz, AUSTRIA<\/td>\n+43 316 876 1337<\/td>\n<\/td>\niefp1@joanneum.at<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
              WEST, Tris<\/td>\nOak Ridge National Laboratory<\/td>\nP.O. Box 2008, MS 6335, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6335 USA<\/td>\n+1 865 574 7322<\/td>\n+1 865 574 2232<\/td>\nwestto@ornl.gov<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

              Bioenergy, Greenhouse Gases And Carbon Sequestration Task 25: Greenhouse Gas Balances of Bioenergy Systems 22 – 26 May 2000 – Zagreb, Croatia Jointly organized by Energy Institute “Hrvoje Pozar” Ltd. HR-10000 Zagreb CROATIA EKONERG holding Ulica grada Vukovara 37 HR-10000 Zagreb, CROATIA JOANNEUM RESEARCH Elisabethstrasse 5 A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"_monsterinsights_skip_tracking":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_active":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_note":"","_monsterinsights_sitenote_category":0,"footnotes":""},"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/5042"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/page"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=5042"}],"version-history":[{"count":1,"href":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/5042\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":5043,"href":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/5042\/revisions\/5043"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/task38.ieabioenergy.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=5042"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}