Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Canberra, Australia 2001

Carbon Accounting And Emissions Trading Related To Bioenergy, Wood Products And Carbon Sequestration

26-30 March 2001 – Canberra, Australia

Jointly organised by

State Forests New South  Wales
PO Box 100, Beecroft NSW 2119
Bioenergy  Australia
7 Grassmere Road, Killara, Sydney, New  South Wales 2071
CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products
PO Box E4008, Kingston, ACT  2604
Joanneum Research
Elisabethstrasse 5, A-8010 Graz

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IEA Bioenergy is an international, collaborative  research programme on Bioenergy ( The primary goal of IEA Bioenergy Task 38 (“Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems”) is to investigate all processes involved in the use of bioenergy and land-use systems, on a full fuel-cycle basis, with the aim of assessing overall greenhouse gas balances. Participating countries are Austria, Australia, Canada,  Croatia, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom,  and the USA. This Task follows on from the previous IEA Bioenergy Task 25.

This workshop in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, is the final Task 25 workshop and the first workshop of Task 38. It is part of a  series of such events within the Task, taking place on a regular basis.

Scope Of The Workshop, Events

Excursion (Monday and Tuesday, March 26 and 27)

Workshop sessions

  1. Carbon accounting of forestry and land use
  2. Carbon accounting of wood products and biofuels
  3. Managed forests for wood products, carbon sequestration and/or bioenergy;  their role in greenhouse gas policy (COP negotiations)
  4. Trading in carbon credits from bioenergy and carbon sequestration projects
  5. Task 25/38 Business session

Workshop Venue

The Workshop was held at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Theatrette, Building 1
CSIRO  Forestry and Forest Products
Banks Street, Yarralumla, ACT, Australia.

Excursion: Australian Field Tour

The two-day field trip (26-27th March) in the NSW Southern Highlands departed from Canberra 7:30 am and travelled firstly to the Tumut district. A Eucalypt/effluent irrigation project and a new pulp mill were visited with overnight in Tumut. The second day the excursion turned back to Canberra via Cooma, looking at pine plantation operations, the Snowy  Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme and Kosciuszko National Park.


Workshop Proceedings

Carbon Accounting And Emissions Trading Related To Bioenergy, Wood Products  And Carbon Sequestration

26-30 March 2001 – Canberra, Australia

Complete Proceedings Volume

Session 1 (4.6 Mb): Carbon Accounting of Forestry and Land Use

Session 2 (2.1 Mb): Carbon Accounting of Wood Products and Biofuels

Session 3 (1.1 Mb): Managed Forests for Wood Products, Carbon  Sequestration and/or Bioenergy; Their Role in Greenhouse Gas Policy (COP Negotiations)

Session 4 (0.8 Mb): Trading in Carbon Credits from Bioenergy  and Sequestration Projects

Workshop Program

Monday, 26 March and Tuesday, 27 March 2001

Departure of the two-day field trip (26-27 March) from the Best  Western Embassy Motel. Return to the motel on Tuesday evening.

Wednesday, 28 March 2001

Session 1: Carbon accounting of forestry and land use

Introduction of the Australian National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS)
Gary Richards
Australian Greenhouse Office,  Australia
Presentation Slides

Development of a “toolbox” for carbon accounting in  forests?
John Raison
CSIRO, Australia
Presentation Slides

The Application of risk and uncertainty analyses in projects of  forest carbon sequestration
Chris Brack
Australian National University, Australia
Presentation Slides

The development of Full CAM: an integrated carbon accounting model for forests and agricultural systems
Gary Richards
Australian Greenhouse Office, Australia
Presentation Slides

NCAS: Modelling Carbon sequestration following afforestation or  reforestation
Keryn Paul
CSIRO Forestry and Forest  Products, Australia
Presentation Slides

Session 2: Carbon accounting of wood products and biofuels

The development of a national wood products model
C. Borough
Jakko Poyry Pty Ltd, Australia
Presentation Slides

Overview of the New Zealand Harvested Wood Products  Meeting
Justin Ford-Robertson
Forest Research, New Zealand
Presentation Slides

Fossil carbon emissions associated with carbon flows of wood products
Kim Pingoud
VTT Energy, Finland
Presentation Slides

How sinks in wood products affect the cost of the Kyoto Protocol and world trade of wood products
Johanna Pohjola
Finnish  Forest Research Institute, Finland
Presentation Slides

Effectiveness of carbon accounting methodologies for LULUCF and  harvested wood products in supporting climate-conscious policy measures
Rebecca Heaton
Cardiff University, Wales, United  Kingdom
Presentation Slides

Thursday, 29 March 2001

Session 3: Managed forests for wood  products, carbon sequestration and/or bioenergy; their role in greenhouse gas policy (COP negotiations)

Are managed forest and soils an effective strategy for climate change mitigation? – an example from Sweden
Bo Hektor
Dept of Forest Management and Products
(for Mats Olsson,  Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Presentation Slides

Carbon Pools in a Eucalyptus forest managed for production or  conservation
Daniel Payne
Australian National  University, Australia
Presentation Slides

Large scale use of forest biomass for iron and steelmaking
Peter Scaife
University of Newcastle, Faculty of Engineering
Presentation Slides

Implications of possible Article 3.4/CDM outcomes for wood based industries and bioenergy
Bernhard Schlamadinger
Joanneum Research, Austria
Presentation Slides

Implications of different COP decisions for bioenergy, wood market and land use patterns in Italy
Lorenzo Ciccarese
Italian  Environment Protection Agency, Italy
Presentation Slides

Inclusion of soil C sequestration in the global climate regime?  COP6 and beyond
Lasse Ringius
UNEP Collaboratind Centre  on Energy and Environment, Denmark
Presentation Slides

The New Zealand Ecologic Foundation “sinks” proposal for COP6b
Peter Read
Massey University, New Zealand
Presentation Slides

Session 4: Trading in carbon credits from  bioenergy and sequestration projects

CRC for Greenhouse Gas Accounting
John Raison
CSIRO, Australia

Issues Related to Forestry Carbon Crediting
Doug Bradley
Domtar Inc, Canada
Presentation Slides

A system for measuring, reporting and trading forest carbon from an  operational to an international scale
Zoe Harkin
Universtiy of British Columbia, Canada
Presentation Slides

Subnational entity accounting for sinks and stores in the Kyoto  flexibility mechanisms
Mark Jackson
The Carbon Store,  Australia
Presentation Slides

Opportunities for Joint Implementation (JI) projects in the  bioenergy and land use change sectors in Croatia
Bernhard Schlamadinger
Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria
Presentation Slides


Photos can be found here.


List of Participants

Name Institution Address Phone Fax e-mail
GRANT, Allen Dept. of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry GPO Box 858, Canberra, ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA +61 2 6272 3821 +61 2 6272 3021
ANDERSON, Rod Dept. of Natural Resources and Environment 13/8 Nicholson St, Melbourne, VIC 3002 AUSTRALIA +61 3 9637 8596 +61 3 9637 8161
BAKER, Tom Centre for Forest Tree Technology 123 Brown Street, PO.Box 137, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084, AUSTRALIA +61 3 9450 8687 +61 3 9450 8644
BARTON, James Ministry for the Environment PO Box 10362, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND +64 4917 7538 +64 4917 7523
BLAIN, Dominique Environment Canada 351 St Joseph, 9th Floor, Hull, Quebec, KIA 043 CANADA +1 819 953 6079 +1 819 994 3266
BOROUGH, Chris Jaakko Pöyry Consulting PO Box 3866 Manuka ACT 2603 AUSTRALIA +612 6295 2777 +612 6295 2803
BRACK, Cris Australian National University Bldg 48, Department of Forestry, A.N.U. ACT, 0200  AUSTRALIA +612 6125 3535 +612 6125 0746
BRADLEY, Doug Domtar Inc. 700-1600 Scott Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4N7, CANADA +1 613 725 6854 +1 613 725 6820
BYGRAVE, Stephen Australian Greenhouse Office Edmund Barton Build. GPO Box 621, Canberra ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA +612 6274 1199 +612 6274 1920
CHARLES, Liliana Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry-Australia GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA +612 6272 3335 +612 6272 4550
CHIA, Kuan Stanwell Corporation Ltd. Level 15, 199 Charlotte St, Brisbane AUSTRALIA +617 3335 3807 +617 335 3822
CICCARESE, Lorenzo Italian Environmental Protection Agency Via V. Brancati 48, 00144 Rome, ITALY +396 5007 2618 +396 5007 2649
COWIE, Annette State Forests New South Wales P.O.Box 100, Beecroft, New South Wales 2119, AUSTRALIA +612 9872 0138 +612 9872 6941
CURLEY, Elliott Dept. of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA +612 6272 4530 +6126272 4550
DURY, Stephen CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products P.O. Box E4008, Kingston, ACT 2604 AUSTRALIA +612 6281 8406 +612 6281 8312
DUTTMER, Kate State Forests New South Wales P.O.Box 100, Beecroft, New South Wales 2119 AUSTRALIA +612 9872 0157 +612 9871 6941
FERGUSON, Colin Northern Sydney Waste Board 1/47 A Penrose St, Lane Cove, 2066 AUSTRALIA +612 9428 5673 +612 9428 5674
FORD-ROBERTSON, Justin Forest Research Private Bag 3020, Rotorua, NEW ZEALAND +64 7 343 5899 +64 7 343 5332
FRY, Ian Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment, TUVALU P.O. Box 7008, Karabar, NSW 2620, AUSTRALIA +612 6297 9054 +612 6284 3151
GAMBORG, Christian Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute Hørsholm Kongevej 11, DK-2970 Hørsholm, DENMARK +45 45 17 82 37 +45 45 76 32 33
GARDNER, David State Forests of New South Wales P.O. Box 100, Beecroft, NSW 2119, AUSTRALIA +612 9872 0171 +612 9871 6941
GIFFORD, Roger CSIRO Plant Industry GPO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA +612 6246 5441 +612 6246 5000
GUSTAVSSON, Leif Lund University, Lund Institute of Technology Gerdagatan 13, SE-223 62 Lund, SWEDEN +46 46222 8641 +46 46222 8641
HARKIN, Zoe University of British Columbia 4 Bennett Streeet, Fitzroy NTH 3068, AUSTRALIA +613 8430 4384 +6139349 4172
HAVERMALE, Neil Red Hen Systems 2310 East Prospec Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 USA +1 970 493 3952
HEATON, Rebecca Cardiff University Llysdinam Field Centre, POWYS LDI 6NB UK, Newbridge-on-Wye,  UNITED KINGDOM +44 1597 860 308 +44 1597 860 381
HEKTOR, Bo Dept. of Forest Management and Products P.O.Box 7060, SE 75007, Uppsala, SWEDEN +46 1867 1763 +46 1867 3800
HENRY, Beverley Queensland Department of Natural Resources 4th Floor, Forestry Building, 80 Meiers Road, Indooroopilly  4068, AUSTRALIA +61 7336 29312 +61 7389 69606
HERFORD, Ian Forest Products Commission, WA 120 Albany Hwy, Albany, WA 6330, AUSTRALIA +618 9842 4530 +618 9842 5279
JACK, Ken Stanwell Corporation Ltd. P.O. Box 8176, Cairns, AUSTRALIA +61 0740 514258
JACKSON, Mark The Carbon Store 55 High Street, Northcote VIC 3070, AUSTRALIA +61 412 558790
JAMES, Florent Australian Greenhouse Office Edmund Barton Building, GPO Box 621, Canberra, ACT 2601,  AUSTRALIA +612 6274 1335 +612 6274 1920
JONES, David University of Wollongong / Baker and Mckenzie solicitors 22 Taif Avenue, Kanahooka, NSW 2530, AUSTRALIA +612 9225 0319 +612 4221 3188
KAVANAGH, Annie Northern Sydney Waste Board 1/47 A Penrose St, Lane Cove, 2066, AUSTRALIA +612 9428 5673 +612 9428 5674
KEENAN, Rod Bureau of Rural Sciences P.O.Box E11, Kingston, ACT 2605, AUSTRALIA +612 6272 5582 +612 6272 3882
KESSELS, John CRL Energy 68 Grasefield Road. P.O.Box 31 244, Lower Hutt, NEW ZEALAND +64 4 570 3707 +64 4 570 3701
KIRSCHBAUM, Miko CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products P.O. Box E4008, Kingston, ACT 2604, AUSTRALIA +612 6281 8252 +612 6281 8312
KLATOVSKY, Glen The Wilderness Society Suite 203, 64-76 Kippan St, Surrrey Hills, AUSTRALIA +612 9282 9553 +612 9282 9557
LELLO, Peter Stanwell Corporation Ltd. GPO Box 773, Brisbane 4001, AUSTRALIA +617 3335 7425 +617 3335 7481
LEMPRIERE, Tony Canadian Forest Service FEPA Research Unit, 4621-2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T  1Z4 CANADA +1 604 822 5466 +1 604 822 6970
LOZA-BALBUENA, Isabel University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND +64 3 351 6464
MANN, Margaret National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Blvd, MS-1613, Golden, Colorado, USA +1 303 275 2921 +1 303 275 2905
McKELLER, Richard Conservation and Land Management AUSTRALIA
McMAHON, Chris Southern Pacific Petroleum Level 11, Riverside Centre, 1123 Eagle St, Brisbane, Q4000, AUSTRALIA +617 3237 6643 +617 3237 6743
MONREAL, Carlos Agriculture and Agri-food, Canada Room 771, 930 Carling Ave, Ottawa, Ontario, KIAOC5 CANADA +1 613 759 1053 +1 613 759 7769
PATCHETT, Mike Queensland Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box 155, Q 4002, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA +617 3227 8619 +617 3225 8029
PAUL, Keryn CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products P.O. Box E4008, Kingston, ACT 2604, AUSTRALIA +612 6281 8289 +612 6281 8312
PAYNE, Daniel Australian National University Canberrra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA +6129456 2796 +61 2 6125 0746
PINGOUD, Kim VTT Energy P.O. Box 1606 (Tekniikantie 4C. Espoo), 02044 VTT, FINLAND +358 9456 5074 +358 9456 6538
POHJOLA Johanna Finnish Forest Research Institute Unioninkatu 40 A, 0017 Helsinki, FINLAND +3589 8570 5738 +3589 8570 5717
POLGLASE, Phil CSIRO, Forestry and forest products P.O. Box E4008, Kingston ACT 2604, AUSTRALIA +612 6281 8204 +612 6281 8312
RAISON, John CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products P.O. Box E4008, Kingston, ACT 2604, AUSTRALIA +61 2 6281 8280 +61 2 6281 8312 John.
READ, Peter Massey University Economics Dep., Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND +64 6350 5972 +64 6350 5660
RICHARDS, Gary Australian Greenhouse Office GPO Box 621, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA +612 6274 1926 +612 6274 1381
RINGIUS, Lasse UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment P.O. Box 49, DK 4000, Roskilde, DENMARK +45 4677 5131 +45 4632 1999
ROBERTSON, Kimberly Joanneum Research and Forest Research (NZ) Elisabethstrasse 5, 8010-Graz, AUSTRIA +43 316 876 1330 +43 316 876 1320 kimberly.robertson@
RYAN, Noel The Wilderness Society Suite 203, 64-76 Kippan St, Surrrey Hills, AUSTRALIA +612 9282 9553 +612 92829557
SCHLAMADINGER, Bernhard JOANNEUM RESEARCH Elisabethstrasse 5, 8010-Graz, AUSTRIA +43 316 876 1340 +43 316 876 1320 bernhard.schlamadinger@
SCAIFE, Peter University of Newcastle Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308, AUSTRALIA +612 49216351 +612 49216893
SCHUCK, Stephen Bioenergy Australia 7 Grassmere Rd. Killara NSW 2071, AUSTRALIA +612 9416 9246 +612 9416 9246
STEPHENS, David International Greenhouse Partnerships Office Dept. of Industry, Science + Resources, 51 Allara St, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA +612 6213 7842 +612 6218 7903
THODE, Peter Carter Holt Harvey P.O. Box 425, Box Hill, Victoria, 3128, AUSTRALIA +613 9258 7602 +613 9278 1991
THOMPSON, Shayleen Australian Greenhouse Office Edmund Barton Building, GPO Box 621, Canberra, ACT 2601,  AUSTRALIA +612 6274 1027 + 612 6274 1439
WILSON, Andrew Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry P.O. Box 1340, Rotorua, NEW ZEALAND +647 3481038 +647 3477173